Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Soe Hok Gie..

Soe Hok Gie was born  on 17th December 1942. He was a Chinese Indonesian Activist. The son of Soe Lie Pit (a novelist) and Nio Hoe An. Soe Hok Gie was the fourth of five brother family from Soe Lie Pit. Soe Hok Gie was a younger brother of Soe Hok Djie (Arief Budiman), a sociologist and lecturer at Satya Wacana Christian University. Gie often went to a public library at a reading park in Jakarta. Since was at elementary school, Soe Hok Gie had read a serious literature, such as a Pramoedya Ananta Toer opus. After graduated from elementary school, Gie and Djie choosed a different school. Djie went to Kanisius school, while Gie went to Strada Junior High School in Gambir Area. When he was at Junior High School, he got a copy of Pramoedya’s short story collection : “Cerita dari Blora”. When he was at second grade at this school, Gie’s achievement was bad. He must study over again at this school, but he refused. Finally, Gie choosed to move to the Protestant Christian School.
After graduated from Junior High School, Gie continued his school at Kanisius Senior High School, literature majors. At the Senior High School, Gie literature ability started to increase. These was a beginning of his journey of criticism. After spending his final years at Senior High School, Gie went to University of Indonesia and continued his majors of literature. At the college, Gie became an active  dissident. Many people believe that Gie have a big effect  on the Soekarno decline as a president and he become the first people that have a big courage to criticize the “Orde Baru”. Upon finishing university, Gie become a lecturer at his almamater.
Gie was a “Mapala UI” founder. One of his important activity at “Mapala UI” was hiking. When he became a leader in Slamet mountaineering, he excerpt Walt Whitman quote in his diary, : “Now I see the secret of the making of the best person. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth”. With Mapala UI, Gie have a plan to go to Mt. Semeru. Many people asked to Gie, why must mountaineering, and Gie just said : “We explain what our goal exactly. We say that we are human beings who do not believe in the slogan. Patriotism is impossible to grow out of hypocrisy and slogans. A person can only love something healthy if he knew the object. And love the Indonesia can be grown by know Indonesia with it’s people from near. A healthy mental growth of youth should also mean a healthy physical growth. That's why we go up the mountain.”
8th December 1969, before Gie went, he write his notes: “ I don’t know what will happen with my self. After I heard Kian Fong death from Arief at the last Sunday, I have a feeling to always remember to the death too. I want to have a conversation before going to the Semeru with Maria, Rina and I want to make an intimate event with Sunarti, I think this is a Kian Fong death effect that really strange and too fast. “
Gie died at Mt. Semeru on the day before his 27th birthday because inhaling poisonous gas on the top of Semeru. He died with his best partner Idhan Dhanvantari Lubis. And his notes during went to Semeru was lose with his death at the top of Semeru. 24th December 1969, Gie was buried in the Menteng Pulo cemetery, but two days after that moved to Kober cemetery, Tanah Abang. At 1975, Kober cemetery was demolished by Ali Sadikin but the family refused and his friends had remembered that when he died his body was burned and his ashes should be spread on the mountain. And finally Gie bones cremated and the ashes scattered on the summit of Mount Pangrango.

NB : Maaf jika bahasanya sedikit rancu, karena ini merupakan sebuah tugas. Terimakasih

Best Regards -IB-

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